Coaching-Centric Consulting

Coaching-Centric Consulting

Discovering what you need and want is the first step in coaching-centric consulting.  I learned long ago that a consultant that knows what you need before they speak to you will take your money and leave you with nothing to show for it.  I learned to quickly to avoid working with them.  

Process performance excellence requires one to first discover and understand the desired outcomes, evaluate the organizational presence and awareness of these outcomes, and then work to improve their effectiveness and efficiency.   Being told the answers does no one any good.  Learning how to assess and adjust for yourself, is the experience we all need to carry improvement forward. 

When the strategy, management, and performance systems are working in unison, and are inspired by the leadership system we have a chance to pursue operational excellence.  When our processes create the expected outcomes, we are pursuing process performance excellence.  

Everyone needs something different.  We all need focus and attention from someone we trust with deep expertise and experience.

Coaching-Centric Consulting for Operational Excellence


Process Performance Excellence – PPX

Every organizational transformation is a function of leadership.  The changes implemented in both functional and relational processes require a leadership transformation.  Understanding and adjusting both functional and relational processes is not something we are taught.  We can create process performance excellence in both.  To get a better idea of what PPX means, take a look here.

process performance eXcellence

performance coaching

“I want to know more.  I think my team could benefit from this approach!”

Talk to Audie

Can I have some more information, please?

Take a look for yourself.  

“I need your help with this. What does that look like?”

Coaching-centric consulting

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